The Samuel Foundation online courses in the School of Disciples and School of Prayer provide students with comprehensive in depth Holy Spirit anointed teaching. Lessons are based on the pure undiluted word of God and non-denominational. In the School of disciples, courses covers foundational Christian Doctrines, Christian living and Spiritual Warfare. Advanced Certificate Course include Homiletics,Hermeneutics and Biblical Justice.
Courses in the School of Prayer covers all manner of prayer, raising up intercessors, tearing down spiritual strongholds and equipping believers to be generals in the Lord’s Army. Each lesson will equip you to come into a deeper, more intimate level of fellowship with the Holy Spirit. On completion, you will be a sharp and powerful battle axe in the hands of the Lord
TSF revelation based discipleship curriculum can be taken by individuals, families, church groups, bible classes etc. You can work through 52+ progressive lessons!
Why The Samuel Foundation

Learn On The Go
Use your Computer, Tablet or Phone to connect to your Teachers and learn on your schedule in your own home! Work at your own pace! and still interact with other students via school chat!

Downloadable Course
Download course(s) in PowerPoint, Notes, Audio or Video Format(s). Students and Teachers Chat. Download and Upload your Assignments